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  • Writer's pictureJane Rubin

In the Hands of Women has a Face!

I am excited to share my book cover for In the Hands of Women and couldn't be more thrilled! The jacket artist captured the turn-of-the-20th-century setting for my story of a young woman's foray into the male-dominated medical profession against the backdrop of a rapidly changing social landscape.

When I began writing this book, I had no idea that women's political and reproductive rights, the focal points of my story, would be so relatable to the explosive developments of the past few years in our own time. However, as the writing ended and I was polishing it for presentation to a publisher, I couldn't help but feel a duty to share what I learned about conditions during that period in the hope it would lend my readers a fuller perspective on the current events we are all living through.

Close to two years were spent researching, writing, revising, and polishing this story. I worked hard to get the facts right, and many shocked me. But as a writer, examining that time with a magnifying glass, it was impossible to overlook how many thousands of hands worked to raise the tide enough to pass the women's vote. Estate law, the right to own property, equal education, to be hired for a job, to be paid a fair wage, to plan a family, and so on were each herculean efforts. And, of course, it continues.

Having a publisher take notice of my work was immensely validating. And receiving a cover befitting the book even better. Some are asking when it will be published. I am told, late May. I am also told that in a few weeks, it can be pre-ordered. I will share that information as soon as it's available.

Thank you all for cheering me on and for your positive comments on the cover art.


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Continuing to cheer you on - you deserve it! I’m looking forward to reading it.


Sylvia Martini
Sylvia Martini

the cover captures the essence of your story. Can’t wait to read it.



Love the style! Seems just right for 1900.



Mazel tov!

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